Thursday, January 31, 2008

feeling bleeeaahhh

my tummy hurts :( bleahhhhhh

here's my friend Orion's poem:

<-- Orion

"I wish I could feel you,
but like grasping at clouds,
you seem so intangible right now

I wish I could hold you
until you cried it all away, and all that was left,
were the good parts

I wish I could touch you
and undo all that had been said and done
making everything anew

and if that were not enough

I might take off Sundays and write for you
so that Mondays I could see you smile.

patience, my precious, these moments are only temporary
I'll be there soon enough

if ever you should doubt, read this and know,
you deserve my love, and I wish to give it to you."

it's fantastic in case u didn't notice.

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